Terms & Conditions



By accessing and/or using this website ( Escouade Couvreur ), any user tacitly and unconditionally accepts these terms of use of the Site.

1. Intellectual property

1.1. The Site and each of its components, and in particular the texts, articles, images, illustrations, photographs, databases and software (hereinafter referred to as the Intellectual Property Elements) are protected by intellectual property law.

1.2. The total or partial reproduction of the Intellectual Property Elements is prohibited.

1.3. The user is only authorized to represent the pages of the Site on his screen and is only authorized to reproduce the Intellectual Property Elements of the Site on a temporary basis for the sole purpose of consulting the Site.

1.4. The user is authorized to make short quotations from the Site, provided that the origin of the document and the title of the document or page quoted are clearly indicated.

2. Use of the Site

2.1. All data, information and publications accessible, represented or downloadable from the Site are not exhaustive, are communicated for information purposes only and may in no case be considered as constituting a quotation, an estimate or an offer of professional services.

2.2. The company shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use by any user of data, information or publications accessible or downloadable from the Site.

2.3. The company shall in no case be held responsible for the content accessible from the hypertext links published on the Site or for the files downloadable from the Site or from the sites accessible from the hypertext links published on the Site.

2.4. The creation and publication of a hypertext link to one of the pages of the Site are authorized, subject to the prior and express agreement of the company.

3. Collection, use and disclosure of personal information

3.1 In most cases, we collect personal information directly from you when you purchase or register for our services or when you interact with us. Generally, we will identify the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your personal information at the time of collection. Generally, the purposes will include

  • To provide you with the Services you have requested or registered for;
  • To create and manage the registrations and accounts you have with us;
  • To respond to your requests and questions;
  • Provide you with information and inform you about products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • Provide you with relevant advertising as described in this document;
  • Enforce and administer the terms of use of the Websites and Services;
  • To comply with our legal obligations as described by law.

The Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet;

Computer, device and connection information, such as browser type and version, operating system, mobile platform, unique device identifier ("UDID") and other technical identifiers;

Location information for Services that are capable of locating the user, in order to provide you with content relevant to your location in the world.

We collect and use this information to generate anonymously aggregated information that allows us to develop and optimize our web presence to provide you with better service. {{ 'now' | date('Y') }}.

Non-Identifying Information:

Each time you visit our website, we may collect certain non-personally identifiable information about the means by which you access our site. This information may include your browser type and version, your Internet service provider, your IP address, or the search engine you may have used to find our site. We use this information to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer the Web site, and to gather non-precision statistical information. In addition, we collect certain navigational data about the pages you visit on our websites. This information allows us to determine which areas of the websites are most frequently visited and helps us tailor the sites to the expectations and interests of our online visitors. This information is collected by us in aggregate form and will not be associated with a specific individual without their consent.

Voluntary Information:

Any information you provide to us (e.g., name, email address, etc.) when you sign up for one of our email reminder services, request information, or use other interactive features of our websites is stored securely on our web server and internal systems. This data may be used to provide you with information you have requested about our company, products and services, or to send you special messages. You may choose at any time to stop receiving messages (see unsubscribe procedures below). This data may also be used to personalize your experience on our sites by allowing us to provide you with content that is relevant to your interests and geographic location.

Information collected from other sources:

In order for us to better understand and respond to your expectations and interests, we may receive information about you from other sources in the future. We will require all entities that provide us with such information to represent and warrant that the information has been collected and stored in compliance with all state and federal laws. All such information will be stored by us in accordance with the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy, along with any other personal information you have provided to us.

Disclosure of Personal Information:

Our company knows how important your privacy is. We collect and store our customers' personal information for our use and for our affiliates. We do not sell, rent or market information provided by our customers to third parties, except in the situations described below, and never without your consent.

Business Partners:

From time to time, our business may partner with certain retailers to provide a broader range of services to our site visitors. As part of this collaboration, we may share with these companies the use of certain interactive features of the website (e.g., the email reminder service). Information provided by site visitors through the use of said interactive features may be viewed by our dealer office as well as our partners.


We may use the services of other companies and individuals to provide certain features on our behalf. For example, we may use third parties to administer email services and conduct special promotions. These third parties will only have access to the personal information they need to provide these features and may not use or store this information for any other purpose. Subscribers or visitors to the site will never receive unsolicited e-mail from agents working on our behalf.

If you have any questions about the privacy policy or practices of these sites, you can contact us.